Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)

Our information on OSA gives advice on what OSA is, the symptoms of OSA, what to do if you think you’re affected by OSA, and how to manage it. 

What is obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)?

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a breathing problem when you sleep. Learn more about what it is here.

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) symptoms & signs

Symptoms of OSA can affect your everyday life. Find out the most common symptoms and signs of OSA.

Diagnosing OSA

If you are displaying signs of OSA, you should talk to a health care professional. On this page, we explain how and when OSA is diagnosed, sleep studies and what happens at a sleep clinic.

Treatment for OSA

Find out about the different, effective treatments available for OSA, as well as lifestyle changes you can make to improve your symptoms.

Can I drive if I have OSA?

If you have OSA, it can leave you drowsy and tired during the day so your ability to drive safely is affected. Read about the rules around driving if you suspect you might have OSA, or if you have an OSA diagnosis.

What is OSA in children?

OSA stands for obstructive sleep apnoea. It is a breathing problem that happens when your child is asleep.

What are the symptoms of OSA in children?

There are several symptoms to look out for if you think your child might have OSA.

How is OSA treated in children?

OSA is a treatable condition and if your child is diagnosed with it there is lots of help available. These are the options available to treat OSA in children.

Epworth Sleepiness Scale

Information about the Epworth Sleepiness Scale

What is a CPAP machine and should you use one for OSA?

A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is a common and effective treatment for OSA. Learn how it works.

Holidays and travel if you have OSA

If you have OSA and use a CPAP machine, travelling can take a bit more planning. Read our advice of the things you should consider before booking your holiday.

Further information for OSA

Further information and support for people living with OSA.

CPAP problems and solutions

Having problems with your CPAP machine? Here are some solutions to try.
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