OSA in children

Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a breathing problem some people have while they’re asleep. If your child is diagnosed with OSA, lots of things can be done to help.

This section has information for parents and carers on what OSA is, what causes it in children, the symptoms, how it’s diagnosed, and how it’s treated.

Are you an adult with OSA? We also have information on OSA in adults.

OSA in children

Asthma + Lung UK

How is OSA diagnosed in children?

If you think your child has OSA, talk to your doctor. On this page read about how OSA is typically diagnosed in children.

How is OSA treated in children?

OSA is a treatable condition and if your child is diagnosed with it there is lots of help available. These are the options available to treat OSA in children.
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