How is OSA diagnosed in children?

If you think your child has OSA, talk to your doctor. On this page read about how OSA is typically diagnosed in children.

If your child has symptoms of OSA, visit your doctor. The doctor will ask you about your child’s symptoms, behaviour, general health and medical history. They may also refer your child for tests with specialists.

Visiting the doctor

It’s good to be prepared before your visit. It can help to take:

  • a list of your child's symptoms
  • a video recording of your child when asleep
  • reports or notes about your child from the child-minder, nursery, school, or health visitor that might be relevant.

If you have a baby or toddler, your health visitor can provide advice on the first steps to take.

If your doctor thinks your child might have OSA, they will refer them to a specialist for tests.

If your doctor thinks your child doesn’t have OSA, ask them to explain why. The doctor might suggest some initial treatments, such as nasal drops or spray, to see if those help. If you’re still concerned, keep making a note of your child’s symptoms. Arrange another appointment if their symptoms don’t get better.

Tests and diagnosis

Doctors might need to carry out more than one test to diagnose OSA. Observations and tests can include:

  • Parents’ observations. Reports (including videos or sound recordings) by you or carers can show the doctor your child’s sleep pattern and symptoms.
  • Oxygen saturation monitoring. This is a painless test to measure the level of oxygen in your child’s blood as they sleep. It involves having a small light sensor taped to their body (usually a fingertip or toe) overnight. It’s sometimes possible to do this test at home.
  • More complex tests your child might have include:
    1. A 'respiratory polygraphy sleep study’ which measures the breathing movements of your child’s chest and tummy, the flow of air through their nose, carbon dioxide levels, and heart rate.
    2. A polysomnography which measures breathing movements and the flow of air through their nose, you child’s brain activity using an electroencephalogram (EEG), muscle movements using an electromyogram (EMG) and eye movements using an electrooculogram (EOG). This test is less common.
  • Video or audio recordings while your child sleeps.

Depending on your local facilities, some checks may be done either overnight in a specialist sleep centre or at home. Polysomnography is done in a sleep clinic. If your child needs to stay in hospital, you can usually sleep in a bed next to your child during checks.

To have a respiratory polygraphy sleep study or polysomnography, your child will need to have some sensors put on their finger or toe, face, skin and around their chest. These should not cause discomfort.

OSA symptom form

We have made a form for you to record your child’s symptoms. Complete it before your child’s appointment and take it with you.

Download our symptom form (PDF 437KB)

Next: How is OSA treated in children?

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